Mission and Vission

St Luke’s College of Nursing and Midwifery exists to train nurses, midwives, and other health care providers who contribute to the improvement of the health status of Malawians through the provision of quality hospital and community-based nursing and midwifery health care services to the diverse society.

The College believes that nurses should always be at their “best” in order to provide safe and appropriate health care services in partnership with individuals, families and communities, as well as other associated health professionals. The College has a responsibility to support its research mission through its leadership in both innovative educational programs and generation of new knowledge.

IDENTITY: The goals of this plan are expressed in five sections: · Promote academic excellence in the college and profession of nursing and midwifery

VALUES: The values of Saint Luke’s College, as grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ form the foundation for our educational Mission. What follows are the Core Values for our College, which when taken to heart, exist at our very center, and are made visible in our daily interactions: ·

FAITH : Being rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Anglican Church, we therefore respect diverse religious traditions and individual religious beliefs. Through our curriculum, sacramental opportunities and co-curricular activities, we invite all members of the College community to develop their faith as an essential dimension of their lives. ·

PROFESSIONALISM: Discharge duties competently, diligently, efficiently and effectively. ·

INTEGRITY : Concerned for the common good as individuals and as a community, we commit ourselves to honesty in all relations with students, faculty, staff, and administration.

RESPECT: The College believes that giving and enjoying respect and dignity is the foundation for human and personal growth and development.ACCOUNTABILITY : Each member of the college is accountable for their actions and behaviors and commits to exclusivity, openness and transparency in their relationships.