Tuition Fees

Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery Techncian36MK432,500.00MK306, 000.00
Diploma in Public Health24MK170, 000.00NON-RESIDENTIAL
Diploma in Community Development24MK170, 000.00NON-RESIDENTIAL
Certificate in Community Midwifery Assistants18MK432,500.00MK306, 000.00

Tuition fees is currently K432,500.00 nursing and midwifery students. And boarding fee is K306,000.00 per semester. Students are also required to pay K161,800.00 for other administrative costs in the first semester only.

Students are required to make a first installment of not less than K604,900.00 for residential and K421,300.00 for non-residential and bring copies of deposit slips as evidence of payment.

No cash payments will be accepted. Please note that boarding and lodging shall only be provided at the college during theory block, while all students shall be non-residential during clinical practice placements.